About Ainslie Wellness
Meet Kelly...
Hello. My name is Kelly Ainslie, and I am the therapist at Ainslie Wellness who you may be considering on your search for counselling. I will share a bit about what I offer. I know you may feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, or simply “not normal” currently, so I will try to keep this short. I focus on your “complete” wellness plan, rather than just treating symptoms with therapy “tips and techniques”. These are often very useful strategies, but they are unlikely to have the long-term affects you are seeking. I often use the analogy that it is like a bandage over a wound. It keeps it safe from the elements for a while, but as soon as it gets wet, it falls off, and the wound is exposed again. So too are your mental health issues exposed and raw if we simply treat the issues with a “quick fix.”
I am a trauma-trained and trauma-informed therapist, which means I have formal training to identify and treat trauma while holding awareness of the complex dynamics of trauma on a person and the widespread impact trauma can have on your thoughts, feelings, behaviours, ability to care for yourself (physically, emotionally and psychologically), your sense of safety and well-being, impact to your day-to-day life experiences, relationships, and how trauma has impacted your efforts to cope. I offer a holistic view, attending to the underlying trauma that can occur from any cause, and offer an approach that inspires hope, strength, and relief. I offer a compassionate, non-judgmental environment, and facilitate your journey to include all aspects of you and your life, to create your complete wellness plan.

Kelly Ainslie, mc, bsw, rsw, rcc
Kelly Ainslie is a trauma-informed mental health clinician, with over 20 years of experience supporting clients and their families. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor, and holds Interprovincial status as a Registered Social Worker. She is a registered therapist with EMDR Canada and the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA).
My commitment to you…
I am committed to tailoring a therapeutic approach to meet your individualized needs. My passion is to guide people to recognize their strengths and potential to overcome individual and relationship problems, and gain skills to use in other areas of their lives after therapy has ended. I will support you to restore a healthy balance in your life.
My approach…
The therapy that I offer my clients is as unique as they are. It is important for me to be well-versed in several treatment approaches to be able to accommodate the individual needs of my clients. So while I am trained in several treatment modalities, and have an expertise in these therapeutic approaches, I am not the expert of your life. You will lead your treatment journey, while I will support you in making the changes that are specific to you and your lifestyle. You should not feel as though I am applying a cookie-cutter technique; instead, what you will witness is your active participation in building a co-constructed treatment and preferred-future plan specific to you and the challenges you want to overcome.
Next steps…
Do I have the necessary skills to meet your individual needs? Is there a match between my treatment approach and what you are looking for in a counsellor? It is important for you to feel safe and understood by your counsellor. Therapy is expensive and you should feel as though you are going to benefit from this close therapeutic relationship. In order to learn more and to see if I am the right fit for you, I encourage you to call me for a free consultation before committing to your first session.
Ainslie Wellness
Your need. Your hope. Your success.
Kelly Ainslie, MC, BSW, Registered Social Worker, Registered Clinical Counsellor

Vancouver Island Crisis Line: 1-888-494-3888